DeCONOx first industrial plant
After an intensive period of research and development, the time has finally come: Scheuch will be installing the world’s first industrial exhaust air treatment plant to be based on the innovative DeCONOx process at the Kirchdorf cement works in Upper Austria.
DeCONOx minimises nitrogen oxide (NOx) and organic carbon compound (VOC) emissions all in one. “The greatest advantage of this new technique is the ability to perform a simultaneous reduction process within a compact plant, and Scheuch is capitalising on this to assert its leadership once again in the fields of dedusting and nitrification processes across the cement industry and other industrial applications,” notes Alois Hermandinger, General Manager for Industrial Minerals Industries at Scheuch.
The process ensures high degrees of NOx, VOC and CO separation by combining the advantages of a clean-gas catalytic convertor with those of a regenerative thermal oxidation in a fusion of two tried and tested technologies. Other benefits of the technique include its negligible spatial requirements, a reduction in operating costs, minimal energy consumption through the use of waste heat, and virtually zero maintenance.
With DeCONOx, even existing plants can be upgraded with ease to make sure that they comply with the new legal requirements on NOx reduction that will be coming into force from 2018/19,” explains Alois Hermandinger, who goes on to add that “we have also developed a mobile pilot plant to offer interested companies the opportunity to trial the process on their own sites and see how it fits in with their operations.”
„Mit DeCONOx können auch bestehende Anlagen sicher umgerüstet werden, um die ab 2018/19 geltenden neuen gesetzlichen Anforderungen für die NOx-Reduktion einzuhalten“, erklärt Alois Hermandinger und ergänzt: „Wir haben zudem eine mobile Versuchsanlage entwickelt, um interessierten Unternehmen die Möglichkeit zu geben, das Verfahren im eigenen Prozess vor Ort zu testen.“